VCU Fails to Protect Free Speech

On Wednesday night, a mob of radical “Democratic-Socialists”, members of Antifa, and transgender activists used violence to shut down a pro-life meeting hosted by Students for Life on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond.

Kristan Hawkins with Students for Life of America, along with guest Isabel Brown of Turning Point USA, visited VCU as part of their nationwide tour to dialogue with college students about the pro-life cause.  However, at the meeting an organized mob of left-wing and pro-abortion zealots prevented Kristan and Isabel from being able to speak by entering the reserved meeting room and shouting them down, and then turned the meeting into violent mayhem that left two Students for Life representatives injured.  Click HERE to watch video of the event.

College campuses are supposed to be a place where free speech and debate are recognized.  In fact, we helped champion the passage of legislation in 2018 to protect free speech on college campuses, which states in part:

“Except as otherwise permitted by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, no public institution of higher education shall abridge the constitutional freedom of any individual, including enrolled students, faculty and other employees, and invited guests, to speak on campus.”

The legislation requires each public institution of higher education in Virginia to establish in its student handbook, and student orientation programs, policies ensuring that free speech is protected, as well as a process for reporting any incidents in which this constitutionally protected right is violated.

However, after arriving nearly a half-hour from when the meeting was first disrupted, the VCU Police shut down the event by forcing the law-abiding SFL members and students into another room for two hours, as they allowed Richmond Antifa and the radical activists to linger outside, grab some food, destroy SFL’s equipment, and leave whenever they wanted. 

Despite two arrests (of non-VCU students), those whose free speech rights were violated were essentially treated as the antagonists, while the aggressors were largely given a pass.

“The incident at Virginia Commonwealth University yesterday is another sad episode of free speech being shouted down on college campuses across our nation” said Speaker Todd Gilbert (R), in a public statement.  He continued by saying “[t]he behavior and actions of the students opposed to the pro-life speakers is appalling. So was the reaction of university officials who shut down the event, rather than protecting the free speech of those invited to campus.”

The pro-abortion zealots and militant groups like Richmond Antifa want us to remain silent.  That’s why it’s more important than ever to speak up.

The Family Foundation will do all we can to support our friends at Students for Life of America and Isabel Brown with Turning Point USA.  We cannot allow their powerful messages to be silenced on college campuses in our Commonwealth.


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