Virginia’s Roots -Constitutional Government

The Commonwealth of Virginia has one of the most vibrant histories in the Union. From our state arose some of America’s strongest and well-known leaders. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and many more Virginia natives established the framework that would secure a nation of biblical principals, religious freedom, and power from the people. Our founding documents (in their original form!) are still relevant and applicable now. The brilliant system of federalism and authority, in their proper scopes, made our country unique from every other country. Centuries of thought and experience contributed to the prosperous and free nation that we live in today. And it all came together right here where we live!

In the Federalist papers, James Madison argued for the adoption of a US constitution. He described faction as the inevitable effect of Liberty, and if we want liberty we must contain the violence of faction. Today the democratic and republican parties are the product of this understanding. But this is why the system included a vertical line of authorities with horizontal branches at each level. All local, state, and federal governments have a specific role assigned to them, and then across each level, checks and balances keep them in line. In addition, the correct amount of representation puts the power in the people, without the tyranny of the majority. The spheres of individual, family, and civil government can all work within their God-given jurisdictions.

Madison’s vision for the U.S. Constitution was based on Virginia's constitutional government history, and became recognized as “The Virginia Plan.” It’s still amazing that Virginia provided the framework for the U.S. Constitution - an honor we shouldn’t take for granted.

But there are efforts to undermine the basic separation of powers which our founding fathers recognized: an executive and legislative branch with distinct powers.  That’s why SB 4 / HB 158 were important bills that were passed this year which place limitations on executive powers.  This bill limited the duration of the Governor's executive orders under emergency powers to 45 days. Putting a time on executive powers significantly restricted their hold over the public, and strengthened the separation of powers. 

There is a struggle within our society to preserve the founding principles that secure our liberty and restrain the government.  But The Family Foundation along with so many citizens like you are making the difference. The fight to keep the constitutional republic is having an impact! We are also seeing big wins in the Supreme Court with the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, which was a far overreach of the federal government 50 years ago. And cases like Kennedy v Bremerton have proven that there is still a strong respect for religious liberty.

As culture progresses and the media tries to sell the constitution as antiquated, it's important to know that the founding documents were created to stand the test of time. It simply protects the God given rights of men that were inalienable from the beginning, and limits the authority of civil government to never infringe on the authorities of God, the family, and the individual. A constitution that is built around the truth of God’s word is a promising constitution worth fighting for.

Trust God, stay hopeful, and know that we have strong roots!

By Samantha Harris (2022 Intern)


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