Stop and Pray for the Commonewealth!

The past five weeks have been turbulent times for the Commonwealth of Virginia that point to a future of grave uncertainty.  At no other time in Virginia history have we witnessed so many bills aimed at devaluing the sanctity of life, threatening our religious liberty, and pitting the government against the authority of parents.  It has been, to say the least, overwhelming.

In light of all of these challenges, the most important thing that we all can do now is pray for all of our elected officials and the future of Virginia.  And that’s exactly what The Family Foundation did along with other prayer warriors on this Day of Prayer at the Capitol, led by our friends America Pray Now (APN).  We had the honor of speaking to many devoted citizens about the important legislative issues this year and joining with them in prayer for our elected officials and condition of our Commonwealth.  It was a great reminder that our hope is not in the works of man, but rather in the God who has all power and authority.

More than ever, we must join together in prayer and fasting for our Commonwealth, knowing full well that God is still on the throne.  At the same time, it’s essential to equip yourselves with knowledge of the issues so that you are prepared for an unrecognizable Virginia.  Over the weekend I had the privilege to share with a church about what’s happening in Richmond and to hear from them about the concerns that they have.

Please let The Family Foundation know if you would like a member of the policy team to come give your Sunday or Wednesday evening church group an update on the General Assembly.  Maybe you want to know more about the legislation passed this year. Or maybe you want to know what the next steps will be. Our Policy Team is prepared to answer those questions and more.  If this interests you, please contact Gene Painter at

We care deeply about the well-being of all families and are resolved to continue to fight for them. And though it’s been heartbreaking to see so many anti-life, anti-family, and anti-faith policies prevail in just a few short weeks, I remain hopeful because we have a God who is faithful and true.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6


Lawless Laws


General Assembly Week 5 Recap: Approaching Crossover Day