The nature of so many of the laws that are being passed this year in the Virginia General Assembly is innately contrary to the very idea of what law is. Man’s sinful nature prevents us from living with one another in peace and harmony without laws to keep us in check and hold us accountable. The very definition of lawlessness means to be without laws, to have no order. Just imagine if someone were to refer to a place or situation as “lawless.” You would likely picture the scenario as one of chaos, mass confusion, and no order. What Virginians are now being given are lawless laws: laws that actually create chaos and confusion, and thereby contradict their own purpose for existing.

You only have read the bills that are being proposed to realize how lawless they really are. Every conceivable avenue to deconstruct our civilized Commonwealth is in the pipeline. Take, for example, bills pertaining to “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” (“SOGI”) which are lawless by their very nature.. House Bill 1663 and Senate Bill 868 go beyond the public realm, diving into the private – including faith-based – organizations and institutions. These bills violate religious liberty in many ways, and  even have the effect of compelling certain speech. Both of those fall under the First Amendment. One person’s newly granted civil rights do not get to take precedent above another’s fundamental and constitutionally guaranteed rights, and especially not when it concerns their free exercise of religion.

In case that example was not enough, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is the poster child for lawlessness. The Democrats (and a few Republicans) blatantly ignored the obvious fact that it was legally moot and that Virginia was not the last state needed for ratification because several states had rescinded their ratification! Beyond that, it had a legal expiration date, which passed decades ago. Despite all of that and more,  it still passed. Oh, and let us not forget that it was paraded as an amendment to give women equal rights…which, by the way, the Constitution already recognizes. (assuming a woman is indeed a “person”) Awkward. One could point out the shear stupidity of their argument, but the fact of the matter is, the truth behind the fight for the ERA is not for women’s equality, but for the elevation of SOGI status, which ironically has the direct impact of destroying women’s rights. (And let’s not forget the other main goal – enshrining a “fundamental right” to abortion!) Any politician who does not believe that has evidently bought into the patently dubious feminist lie that the ERA is about benefiting women.

Our nation has various layers of government. At the top, we have the U.S. Constitution. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that this is our governing document above all other laws. Any law that is found in violation of the U.S. Constitution is invalid. However, determining that often requires a process. Despite the myriad testimonies this session clearly pointing out that many of these policies are outright unconstitutional, that has not been enough for this new majority. Without any legal push back, Democrats know that these unconstitutional and lawless laws will stand; in other words, they are not yet reaping the consequences of their actions to a great enough degree to make them stop. It will take some courageous people to sue and then remain standing for the duration of the fight, which can often take years. If an effort to push back against every single unconstitutional piece of legislation was guaranteed, then this would not be the prevailing issue that it is. Without a willingness to challenge the enforcement of unconstitutional dictates, lawless laws have free reign. Hopefully many Virginians are prepared to stand against the lawlessness when it comes for them, their families, and their jobs.

It should come as no surprise that the same avid supporters of abortion, the act of murdering a certain class of humans on the alter of convenience, would ignore the true meaning of what law is. Laws exist because sin exists. If you refuse to recognize that, then what is the purpose for the law but to serve one’s personal agenda? The new Democratic majority in the Virginia General Assembly is pushing a godless  ideology so aggressively it is alarming. Their arguments often sound well-intentioned, but the utopia they are trying to sell simply does not exist. Sin stops these unrealistic policies from ever coming to fruition as they’ve been advertised. So many truly destructive policies are being foisted upon all Virginians, and unfortunately no amount of sugar coating or “good intentions” can make them good. And just because they pass a bill and call it a “law” does not make it lawful.


Senate to Hear Bills Targeting Parental Rights and Religious Liberty!


Stop and Pray for the Commonewealth!