Fairness in Female Sports and Sage’s Law Heading to Full House!

This morning the House Education committee passed the “Fairness in Female Sports Act” and “Sage’s Law”!  Delegates on this committee correctly elevated safety, fairness, and the rights of parents to know if their child is exploring gender transition at school, above the gender ideology being forced on our children and culture by LGBTQ activists.

HB 1387 (R-Greenhalgh) requires all public K-12 and college sports teams, to be designated based on biological sex and only allows females to play on female teams. The bill was approved on an 11 – 9 party line vote.

HB 2432, given the namesake “Sage’s Law”, will require schools to inform parents if their child is identifying as another gender at school and clarify that parents will not be deemed “abusive” simply for affirming their child’s biological sex.  The bill was approved on an 11-10 party line vote.

While this is a great victory, we cannot become complacent.  Now we have to convince a majority of delegates in the House to vote YES on these critically important bills.


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