Our Win

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired. It has been an exhausting 10 months, and my soul often feels like it can’t take another loss.

Conservatives haven’t won a state-wide office since 2009.

In 2019, our Commonwealth turned deep blue.

In 2020…what didn’t happen? The legislature passed sweeping anti-life and LGBT discrimination laws; state governments infringed fundamental freedoms through their response to COVID-19; rioters ransacked cities across the country; the entire country turned blue; and division, already festering in our country, deepened.

In 2021, rioters stormed our Nation’s capital building; and one week into the 2021 General Assembly Session, already, liberals have made it incredibly difficult to actually lobby legislators.

I don’t know about you, but I could use a win.

I have good news for you. We have already won.

In the Kingdom of God, there is no losing; there is no scarcity. We know who wins the battle, and in the end God wins, and by default we win.

Recently, I virtually attended a conference where the keynote speaker proclaimed that there is no scarcity in the Kingdom of God. Now, he was talking about fundraising, but this principle applies to all of life.

As our team fights battles in the state legislature, and as we individually fight battles of our own, we must remember that the battle is not our own, but God’s. We partner with God and fight valiantly. As the speaker at the conference said, “we plant and water with excellence, then trust God for the increase.” We will win the battles God has planned for us to win, and the battles we lose may seem devastating temporally. But we are not in despair; we are not without hope – because we have won.

We have an abundance of God’s grace as we work to further His kingdom, and God has the resources to accomplish His work on this earth. When we question this, we behave like Job and God’s answer is “who are you?” God laid the earth’s foundations (Gen 1:1, Job 38: 4). Surely, He has the power to accomplish His plans and win the battles He deems necessary to meet those plans.

I find comfort in knowing that I was created for this time. Sometimes I’m scared. I’m tired. But, I am here for a purpose – God’s purpose. You are too.

God’s purpose is being and has already been accomplished, so we need not worry, we need not despair. We need only to do our work for the Kingdom.

Because we already won.


Action Alert: Some Good News About the Electoral College Bill!


Marijuana Bill Being Heard in the Senate Subcommittee Tomorrow!