Recap: 4th Annual March for Life!

Today, pro-life Virginians filled State Capitol grounds to speak up for the protection of unborn babies and vulnerable mothers during the 4th Annual Virginia March for Life! As legislators gathered for the re-convened session, participants rallied at the Capitol to hear pro-life leaders and elected representative before marching around Capitol Square.

The rally shined with a phenomenal speaker lineup. I was honored to serve as the rally's emcee, introducing our speakers that included Lieutenant Governor Winsome Earle-Sears; Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life; Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and Delegate Nick Freitas, and more.

We were especially honored to have Governor Glenn Youngkin join us for our march around the capitol! This made Governor Youngkin the first governor to participate in a state March for Life. 

Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life Defense and Education Fund, beautifully summed up the reason we march. “At this critical juncture in our country’s history when it’s possible that the definition of abortion legislation could return to the states, at least in part with the Dobbs Mississippi abortion law facing the Supreme Court, Pro-Lifers it is more important than ever that we are ready to empower women, to walk alongside women so that they can make choices [for life],” We were honored by the opportunity to stand for the vulnerable with so many passionate and dedicated pro-life Virginians, from our neighbor all the way to our state's leadership.


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