What We Stand For

The torrent of anti-family legislation pouring out of the Virginia Assembly this session (and last) can often make us feel like we’re just playing defense. That can be disheartening, especially considering how many pro-family measures have been rolled back over the last year.

In the midst of these Job-like moments, it’s especially important to remind ourselves what we stand for, which is what the vast majority of Virginians want, whether they articulate it or not: a healthy and prosperous commonwealth built on the love of and care for ALL Virginians from conception to natural death, a state government that exists to support families not undermine them, a society that recognizes the value of a married father and mother in giving Virginia children the best chance at success in life, and the freedom to live your life according to the dictates of your conscience.   

We stand for orphaned children who need a home with a loving mother and father and the God-honoring agencies who make those families happen.

We stand for Virginians keeping more of their hard-earned money to benefit their families and their communities as they see fit.

We stand for parents’ rights to determine how, when, and where they educate their children.

We stand for the expansion of businesses like Smiley’s Ice Cream in Rockingham County that create jobs and add value to all our lives.

We stand for the freedom of all families to hire or not hire someone who shares their values to work in their own home. (Note efforts to prevent that – read more HERE.)

We stand for parents taking the lead and the responsibility in having those difficult but necessary conversations with their teenagers about sex.

We stand for families who want their pubescent children to enter a public restroom without having to worry they may be exposed to the private anatomy of the opposite sex.

The Family Foundation has stood for and with Virginia families for 35 years, but with our Speak Up! Virginia platform for Virginia families, Founding Freedoms Law Center, and our new enhanced outreach into northern Virginia, we are just getting started!


Victory Alert: NPV Knocked Down a Few Pegs and Done For the Year


Faith-Based Adoption Agencies Under Attack!