No, Christianity and Abortion Don’t Mix

Monday, January 22, marked the grievous anniversary of the Roe v Wade decision. Although we can celebrate that the Dobbs decision returned the issue back to the people, we have a long way to go before we become a nation that respects and protects preborn life. Tragically, there are countless in our nation who still cling to the idea of Roe, mourn its overturning, and espouse a worldview that holds abortion as a moral good rather than the violent evil that it is. Our own elected leaders are among them. On this dark anniversary, many of our officials rose on their respective chamber floors during the morning hour and delivered emotionally charged, but deceptive speeches.  However, one of the most revolting, and saddening, was Senator Angela Williams Graves (D) who evoked Christianity in her attempt to justify this position.

By starting her speech with the preference that she was a preacher’s kid, grew up in church, and Christian values “have guided [her] entire life,” one would think this was going in a positive, pro-life direction…but no. She proceeded to explain that the values she claimed guided her, and have led her to embrace the abortion lies.  She said that because God gives us the ability to make choices, and that because this is “one of the paramount foundations of being a Christian”, women therefore have the right to choose whether they want to end the life of their unborn child or let them live.

She stated, “As a Christian woman, I know the Creator of our Universe gives us choices and free will.”  She is correct on one thing -- we do have choices.  However, our choices are between being obedient to God's word or not– between right and wrong.  Abortion is plainly and undeniably wrong. No line in God’s Word gives an ounce of support to the ending of innocent unborn human life.

Instead, God’s word directs us to treasure and respect life. (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-16, Psalm 22:10, Job 31:15, Jeremiah 20:17, Psalm 127:3, Luke 1:41…to name a few). She must have overlooked the emphasis on life, such as John 10:10, where Jesus says “I have come to give life; and give life more abundantly.”

The fact that God gives us the ability to make choices in our lives does not carry to the abortion industry’s infamous slogan, that women have “a right to choose”. God makes it very clear in His word that the shedding of innocent blood, born or preborn, is abominable in His sight (Prov 6:16-17).

Lastly, Senator Williams Graves finished with a statement that beckons some clarification. She asserted that “Jesus does not force Himself or His will on any of us, so why should we force our will on the women of the Commonwealth by taking away their choices?” God’s will is not  “forced” on us like a new tax from an unloving dictator. Rather, God’s will happens regardless of whether we want it to or not. “I know that You do everything and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.” Job 42:2, and “For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?” Isaiah 14:27. Man may tell God no, but God’s will comes to fruition regardless, just ask Jonah.

And what about the human being in the womb – should that baby have the same opportunity to learn what God’s will is for his or her life?  At what point do we apply this free will perspective of Graves’ to the unborn baby?  Has it ever dawned on Graves that she is elevating her own decision-making above the sovereignty of God who is the author of life, which conflicts with holy scriptures?  

Yes, Senator Williams Graves, we have choices, but it’s a moral choice between right and wrong. We must decide whether we are going to walk in the counsel of the ungodly and support the shedding of innocent blood or whether the law of the LORD will be our delight and our hands and our hearts will be clean (Ps 1, Ps 51:10, Ps 24:4).


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