A Deadly Agenda

In 1973 our nation was rocked by the Roe v Wade decision, and our culture plummeted rapidly down a deadly road. The narrative began with “safe, legal, and rare.” This was an attempt to assure the public that abortion wasn’t going to be the norm, but merely a “necessary” and “rare” practice. Even then we knew this was not true nor by any means justified. Fifty years later we have escalated to such unimaginable and extreme heights (or more accurately, lows). Now, in the wake of Dobbs, abortion advocates are becoming more radical, while at the same time calling us, those endeavoring to rescue the unborn from death and support their mothers, the extremists.


Last week they were celebrating a made-up day known as “International Safe Abortion Day.”. Since when did we go from a culture of valuing life in the womb to celebrating barbarically ending innocent human life? And when did we start celebrating something that is supposed to be rarely taking place?


 “Reproductive freedom”, “healthcare” and “shout your abortion!” are now becoming the leading forces in the pro-abortion narrative as they unashamedly push for abortion up until the moment of birth. Following Dobbs, ardent pro-abortion advocates are using every mean possible to reach women in states where unborn life is protected. It is not enough for them to be able to end the lives of preborn children in states where abortion is unrestricted, they must also see to it that no child is safe regardless of where they live or the gestational age of the baby.


Telemedicine abortion, non-profit abortion funds covering travel costs, and AI services like an abortion chatbox called “Chat with Charley”, that connects women with local abortion services, are increasing the reach that pro-abortion activists have. Abortion funds in red states are seeking to commit what borders on conspiracy by raising funds in states where abortion is illegal to pay for women to go across state lines to have an abortion. According to one of these funds on Virginia’s own border, State Line Abortion Access Partners, “[t]his [“abortion tourism”] is the reality behind the tired cliches we hear at city council meetings and shouted out by clueless, heartless, people.” Loving the mother and the child and willingly coming alongside to support both is apparently “clueless and heartless.”


Furthering the twisted narrative, Hey Jane, a virtual abortion “clinic” that distributes abortion pills in Virginia, sent out a promotional email gaslighting women that not only are abortion pills “safe”, but that they’re safer than Tylenol. Tylenol! People take Tylenol every day and it doesn’t result in death with every swallow. Pregnant women take Tylenol rather than other painkillers because it is safer for their babies. Whereas the harsh reality for women who take mifepristone is that they often endure substantial bleeding, the loss of their now-deceased child, and even having to visit the hospital because of an incomplete abortion or severe blood loss. Yet according to Hey Jane, it’s safer than birthing your full-term child, something women have been doing since the beginning of time!


Further, the same organization claiming that people who care about preborn children and their mothers are heartless is declaring that abortion reversal pills are unsafe. They boldly assert, “abortion pill reversal, an absolute lie that could harm anyone could tries it.” The truth is, that abortion reversal pills are just “bioidentical progesterone to outnumber and outcompete the mifepristone in order to reverse the effects of the mifepristone.”[1] To further understand the faulty grounds their anti-reversal pill arguments stand on, you can read more here.  Zealous abortion advocates have zero qualms with spreading reckless lies to see their agenda furthered. If they were truly about a woman’s right to choose, they would let a woman know about abortion pill reversal in case she changed her mind. But they don’t want that.


The new reality of a post-Roe Virginia is dark. With every pro-life law passed over 50 years swiftly removed in 2020, abortion clinics can now operate under a shadow of darkness. Abortion clinics are now unregulated, uninspected, and unmonitored. No one is there to ensure that the clinics are being properly cleaned, old medication is being thrown out, and the necessary emergency equipment is readily at hand. We know from past inspections that there are abortion clinics that used to operate no better than a back alley. For example, abortionist Steven Brigham was shut down by the liberal Virginia Department of Health under the McAuliffe administration for operating such a dangerous and horrendous practice that repeatedly sent women to the emergency room.  


Now abortionists like the infamous Brigham are allowed to continue because there is no oversight. Counter to the narrative that abortion advocates are pushing, they are not making abortion “safer”. Abortion is not safe, but some measures can be taken to prevent the mother from losing her life during the horrific process.


We must do better in Virginia. While they may be the loudest voices in the room, they are only a tiny fraction of what the population truly desires[2]. Abortion extremism is not welcome in Virginia; regardless of what others say. Our culture is in desperate need of the truth. Our young women need to know we are here to support them and their children. We cannot allow the extreme minority to be the only thing they hear. It is our duty to speak up, to stand for truth, and to prevent their dominating lies from leading women astray into brokenness and hurt. “Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.” Proverbs 24:11

[1] https://lozierinstitute.org/abortion-pill-reversal-a-record-of-safety-and-efficacy/

[2] https://www.pilotonline.com/2023/09/28/poll-shows-virginia-voters-closely-divided-but-abortion-education-policies-are-top-issues/


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