Urge Youngkin to VETO “LGBTQ” and DEI bills!

Please take time to urge the Governor to veto the following bills aimed at further promoting and elevating the LGBTQ+ agenda and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) ideology in government and the workplace:  


HB 615 (D–Price) seeks to amend the current STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Advisory Board to promote and elevate people who identify as LGBTQ+ above qualified candidates who do not fall into this category.


SB 393 (D–Pekarsky), identical to HB 212 (D-Watts) which Governor Youngkin vetoed last week, would give special status to boards of directors who "identify as female" for major employment and investment (MEI) projects in the name of diversity instead of merit and economic benefits to the Commonwealth. 


HB 781 (D–Herring) which uses the term "birthing people" instead of “mothers” for a bill intended to collect data to help improve maternal care and quality, implying that men can have babies.


HB 536 (D-Cole) would amend the current bullying definition by specifically creating a special protection for students who are members in a group that is protected from discrimination pursuant to the Virginia Human Rights Act (i.e., sexual orientation and gender identity).


HB 224 (D-Henson) would require teachers to undergo mental health awareness training in order to recognize the mental health challenges of various high-risk students, including those who "identify as LGBTQ+," adding the term "LGBTQ+" to the Code of Virginia.


SB 101 (D-Ebbin), identical to HB 174 (D-Henson) which the Governor signed into law earlier this month, would also establish for the first time in our state Code the formal recognition and enforcement of so-called “same-sex marriage,” jeopardize conscience and religious protections for those who officiate weddings, and embeds the dangerous and false notion that “sex” and “gender” are separate categories of human identity.


No One Can Sue the FDA?


Big Legal Victory for Churches in Virginia!