Progressives Legitimizing Child Mutilation and Pedophilia

From the most prominent places in our government progressive liberals are promoting child sterilization and mutilation (i.e., “gender re-assignment treatments”), and very soon they will be publicly promoting the legitimization of pedophilia. 

President Joe Biden signed into law the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act,” which repeals the Defense of Marriage Act approved in 1996, a law that then-Senator Biden voted for and defended, and effectively codifies same-sex marriage into federal law. A total of twelve Republican senators and 39 Republican House members – many of whom are self-professed people of faith – joined the Democrat majority to ensure final passage of the bill.  While prominent denominations like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Southern Baptist Convention remained opposed to the bill, other conservative-leaning faith-based groups like The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints came out in favor of the legislation.

As I’ve stated before, the “[Dis]Respect Marriage Act” demeans and undermines the institution of marriage, which for centuries has been recognized as a union between one man and one woman, as designed by God, and has been the basis for civilization. This Act will also initiate one of the greatest movements to destroy religious liberty as we know it in the United States.

The White House signing ceremony for this act on December 13 did not just celebrate the federal codification of same-sex marriage.  It was clearly a “coming-out” party for the next phases of the LGBTQ revolutionaries’ quest to legitimize their radical agenda, which include celebrating transgender surgical experimentation on young children, Drag Queen groomers, and “minor attracted persons,” i.e., pedophiles.

Here is just a sampling of the virtue signaling that took place:

1.    President Biden gave little attention to the actual bill – a bill which conservatives and certain religious groups supported – and defended the progressive left’s obsession with gender mutilation surgeries:

"We need to challenge the hundreds of callous, cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need. We have to protect these children so they know they're loved and we will stand up for them."

2.    Biden declared that parents objecting to materials and books that contain explicit sexual content is hateful, and even equated parents voicing their concerns to people who carry out mass shootings, like the “non-binary” shooter in Colorado Springs.

“When hospitals, libraries and community centers are threatened and intimidated because they support LGBTQ children and families, we have to speak out. We must stop the hate and violence like we saw in Colorado Springs, and replace it with acceptance and celebration.”

3.    Among those invited to attend the White House signing ceremony were “RuPaul’s Drag Race” participant Brita Filter and vulgar drag queen dancer Marti Gould Cummings, who dances for young children and has said in previous statements, "anyone who thinks drag isn’t for children is wrong."

4.    During her remarks at the White House ceremony, Vice President Kamala Harris honored LGBTQ icon Harvey Milk, who is recognized as the first openly gay man to hold political office in California. Milk was also known for his sexual desires for underage drug-addicted male youths.

The progressive leftists have been working tirelessly to desensitize young kids to hypersexualized teachings and behavior through sex-education curricula in public schools that now incorporate topics like sexual orientation and gender identity. Some school divisions are pushing radical “transgender” policies that compel people to use pronouns and names that do not correspond with a student’s biological sex; allow biological males to use female bathrooms and changing facilities, violating their bodily privacy and safety; and undermine the fundamental rights of parents to direct the education of their child.

In addition, there are third-party groups that pretend to merely educate kids about homosexuality and gender ideology, all while recruiting them to become members of that lifestyle, and even offer training for teachers on how to support LGBTQ youth from their viewpoint. One such group is Side by Side, which says it is “dedicated to creating supportive communities where Virginia’s LGBTQ+ youth can define themselves, belong, and flourish.” One of its primary “services” is forming “hybrid groups,” where 14-year-olds are grouped with 20-yea-olds to discuss sex, sexuality, and gender identity. This sounds more like grooming than it does a support group.

Another aspect of the effort to desensitize young kids to vulgar sexual behavior is “Drag Queen Story Hours” at public libraries, in which grown men wear dresses or provocative attire, as well as clown makeup, as they read to little kids. Sadly, too many people consider this just to be a silly clown show that is meant for entertainment purposes but ignore its more sinister, far-reaching implications. The dangers of this “drag queen” story time cannot be overstated. Not only do such events violate a child’s innocence, but they also lead to “the abolition of restrictions on the behavior at the bottom end of the moral spectrum—pedophilia,” as explained in Christopher Rufo’s article that thoroughly outlines the history and intent of drag queen story hour.

To further their agenda, LGBTQ revolutionaries are committed to separating children from rational thinking counselors, trusted pastors and clergy, and even parents. According to the progressive left, anyone who offers a rational view of sexuality and gender identity, or promotes a Christian understanding of those topics, is the enemy.

That is why progressive liberals in Virginia’s legislature passed a law in 2020 that prohibits licensed counselors from helping a minor child deal with unwanted sexual desires or gender dysphoria and forces them to affirm their sexual orientation or gender identity against their conscience. It is why they have passed legislation like the misnamed “Virginia Values Act” that seeks to punish churches, faith-based groups, and people who adhere to biblical marriage and sexuality. And it’s why Delegate Elizabeth Guzman (D) threatened to reintroduce her bill that would criminalize parents who do not affirm a child’s self-declared gender identity

They want minors and people suffering from gender dysphoria or uncertain about sexual orientation to have nowhere to go other than LGBTQ advocates in schools, radical third-party groups, or morally corrupt medical professionals, who will only assist with sex re-assignment treatments, including body mutilation, or affirm a person’s pedophilia.

Radical LGBTQ revolutionaries want to steal our children’s innocence, alienate them from their parents, and trap them in lifestyles that will lead to physical and mental harm. It is time we stand up and stop them.


ACLU Makes Huge Admission!


My Christian group was denied service at a restaurant. But we didn’t weaponize the government over this offense